The Newton South Science Team has been involved in a number of different competitions over the years. Read about competitions and activities that we have been involved with, as well as our placements.

The Massachusetts Science Olympiad is an annual state-wide competition that tests a wide range of scientific disciplines and engineering projects in great depth. The winner of the one-day competition qualifies to compete in the National Science Olympiad in late May. Invitational tournaments around the country are hosted in preparation for the competition.
Competition Format
The competition consists of 21 events. Each school sends a team of 2 members to each event. Due to scheduling, members participate in up to 4 events each. Additionally, 4 trial events that do not count toward the team's ranking are hosted.
For the NSHS Science Team, the State Olympiad is the culminating and most competitive tournament. Team members are selected based on prior dedication and performance throughout the year.
2024: 5th
2023: 7th
2022: 7th
2021: 6th
2020: cancelled due to COVID-19
2019: 4th
2018: 3rd
2017: 1st
​2016: 2nd
​2015: 3rd
2014: 4th
2013: 3rd
2012: 2nd
2011: 3rd
2010: 6th
MIT Invitational:
2024: 48th
2022: 49th
Brown University Invitational:
2024: 11th
2023: 16th
2022: 9th
Harvard University Invitational:
2024: 69th
2022: 8th
UMASS Amherst Invitational:
2024: 10th
​The West Suburban Science League (WSSL) is a coalition of 17 schools in the Metro-West Boston area that compete in monthly meets from October to February. Each meet is hosted at one of the competing schools. Points are totaled over the course of the whole year, and the winner is announced at the end of the last meet.
Each meet involves 4 different events, ranging from build-ahead projects (Boomilever, Gravity Vehicle, etc.) to written tests (Astronomy, Oceanography, etc.). WSSL topics often involve or overlap with events at the State Olympiad.
Competing schools submit a 4 person team for each event (the A team), whose results count for the school's ranking. Schools can also submit 4 person B teams for each event, which participate alongside A teams in the same events but whose scores do not count in the formal standings.
2022: 4th
2017: 1st
2016: 3rd
​2015: 2nd
​2014: 3rd
2013: 1st
2012: 1st
2011: 1st
2010: 1st
Other Tournaments:​
Blue Lobster Bowl
Women of Science
GOES Science Fair
MIT Science Trivia